
Gerald Minner is part of an extremely small and rare coterie of craftsmen who live to practise their art. Indeed, those who can conceive such remarkable pieces of jewellery have become increasingly scarce in France–those who can design, craft and bring such unique creations fully to fruition.   For such a creation, Gérald Minner will present you with a sketched drawing as well as a model of it, and you will then be able to follow the different phases involved in the creative process in his workshop. Using artisanal skills and ancestral techniques that are unfortunately becoming lost in the sands of time, Gérald MINNER uses neither moulds nor castings, forging solely by hand in his workshop.  His approach can above all be identified through the product’s excellence, the precision of its lines and the integrity of its definition, while all fleeting fashions are cast aside. G. MINNER creations are both many and innovative.

They all follow the same principles: Love, Discipline, Respect and Transparency.

G. MINNER elegance and refinement brings jewellery to life, while capturing both important moments and emotions. Producing G. MINNER jewellery requires boundless patience, and yet it somehow comes across as so natural, without so much as a second thought thrown its way once the piece has been created-taken as a given even.

Maison G. MINNER creates jewellery that combines innovation and rare gems with precious metals. We carefully select our stones according to their quality and strict criteria that ensure they are exceptional gems, from diamonds to coloured stones. Thus, in G. MINNER creations, the Earth's precious stones are wondrously showcased, with their radiance sure to inspire unprecedented emotions in you, with awe to the forefront.

These pieces of jewellery, which are iconically representative of the mastery, expertise and audacious creativity of our Maison, have ensured Gérald Minner's reputation as a craftsman on a different plane.

Discover our Jewellery creations